Meet the Founders
Angelina & Shane Saunders
Husband and wife, parents to two not so little girls, business owners, and active investors... Seeking ways to create a life worth breathing for...
Founders of Breathe Me and the O2 Collective, award winning authors, professional breathing coaches, international speakers, and hosts of The Breathing Edge Podcast.
Shane served for 13 years in the Australian Defense Force where he trained military divers, tactical assault experts, and top military performers in mind-body self-regulation science while also assisting them to successfully complete the SAS selection course.
Angie (as she likes to be called) is from a high-powered background in the entertainment industry in Hollywood where she worked both in front of the camera (singing, dancing, acting and stunts) and behind the scenes in production, coordinating films where personal high performance was central to her profession.
Shane and Angie joined forces in Australia, not only in marriage, but in their professional work where together they built a business, Breathe Me, that helps people experience and implement multi-disciplinary techniques for improving health and performance.

Their common interest in the art (practice) and science (research) of mind-body psychology and the development of optimal self-regulation during performance under pressure led them to weaving together an integrated collection of high-performance learning techniques for reducing stress, working in demanding environments, improving sleep, and stabilizing personal energy. These techniques include the union of ancient wisdom of the breath coupled with breathing science to lower reactivity, improve focus, and bring the mind and body into balance.
Training Background
On top of their previous career developments, Shane and Angie have been in the self development and coaching space for more than 20 years (yes they are in their 40's), some of their experience includes (but isn't limited to):
- NLP Master Practitioners
- Hypnotherapists
- Leadership Coaches
- Relationship Coaches
- Landmark Education Graduates
- Wim Hof Method Advanced Training
- Certified Breathwork PractitionersÂ
- Soon to be: Certified Breathing Behavioral AnalystsÂ
Their courses and trainings support the psychophysiology of the human experience and includes how to nurture overall health for optimal physical and mental wellness.
Here to support the vibrational health of humanity...
As busy parents and business owners, we know all too well how stressful and chaotic everyday life can be.
Just like you, we deal with jam-packed schedules, kids having tantrums, and the feeling of not enough hours in the day...
The game changes when we finally found a tool that allowed us to balance our energy and stay grounded in any situation. Now we have committed to sharing our knowledge and help others to raise their vibration and find a little bit of heaven on earth too!

You Have All You Need
To Optimize Health And Performance...
It's just about learning how to tune into it.
Here are three ways to get started for FREE!

The Ultimate Breathing Meditation is a 21-minute session that is made for those who want to balance their respiration, want to meditate and struggle to, AND if you already meditate this will help take you deeper into your experience. This is for those that are ready to devote to a daily practice, try it for 7-days and discover what shifts.
Ultimate Breathing Meditation

This is a short course on breathing basics that will help you understand and experience using breathing as the levers of the nervous system. Learn how to use breathing to lift up and energise, to slow down and relax, and know when to cycle between the two. This is breathing made simple and easy to remember when you need it most.
Quick Start Program

These short breathing meditations are for those who live on the go and want to incorporate breathing into their lifestyle. Access seven of the most popular short breathing meditations to help you manage your energy, emotions, and mental wellness in just three minutes, great for kids too!
Short Breathing Meditations
Book Shane and/or Angelina Saunders
to speak at your event or podcast... for free!
Our focus is in the art (practice) and science (research) of mind-body psychology and the development of optimal self-regulation during performance under pressure.
We have woven together an integrated collection of high-performance learning techniques for reducing stress, working in demanding environments, improving sleep, and stabilizing personal energy.
These techniques include the union of the ancient wisdom of the breath (coupled with breathing science) to lower reactivity, improve focus, and bring the mind and body into balance... and you can practice these techniques anytime... anywhere... the choice is yours.
CONTACT USWorkplace Wellness